Appearance of your hair is affected by your hair type, genetic, race, life style, diet, hair care regime, environment, work environment, stress and several other fact are together.
Each individual have almost their unique type of hair, some people have fine and sensitive hair and some people fizzy and dry hair which need special hair care, hair are different in shape, texture and colour.
We all like to have healthy, soft and nice hair and look good, your trichologist can advice you right hair care regime if your hair need special care to be perfect as it should be.
There are several hair loss conditions such as male pattern hair loss, female pattern hair loss, alopecia aerate, anagen effluvium, acute/chronic telogen effluvium, alopecia areata, traumatic aerate, traumatic hair loss, scarring alopecia, etc, which can effect appearance of your hair to not look suitable.
The condition of your hair and scalp required to diagnose correctly to be able to treat well, each condition need different treatment and if not treated well may cause permanent hair loss.
Split ends, dull hair, fly away hairs, etc are different conditions as well which can treatable easily with right hair care regime with the trichological products such as lotions, ointments and shampoos